Illustration of a Yellow Poppy

Community Affiliates

Keep California Beautiful (KCB) affiliates create locally-based programs to eliminate litter, reduce waste, and beautify their environment. Becoming a KCB affiliate means a commitment from residents, businesses, and civic leaders to work together to identify and address local concerns. No two community partners are the same in organizational structure or budget, but partners share the same commitment to making California a cleaner place while protecting and promoting the state’s beauty. 

Thanks to the efforts of KCB, its sponsors, and a growing network of affiliates, residents are taking action to engage, energize, and educate others to care for their communities.

Clean California Logo

clean california

We are excited to welcome pledges from the Clean California Community Designation program. The State of California has established the designation to honor communities for their dedication to cleanliness and environmental stewardship. A benefit of completing the designation process is recognition as a KCB affiliate and inclusion in the growing network creating and maintaining clean, green, and vibrant communities statewide.


We’d love to have your community join us as KCB affiliate. To get started, please complete and submit the Clean California Pledge form.


Access exclusive resources for affiliates and essential materials to achieve your Clean California Community Designation here.


KCB Volunteers planting a tree at a rest stop

Affiliates in action

In 2021, Keep Bakersfield Beautiful celebrated its 20th anniversary. Watch this video to discover how their service activities have made a positive impact on the Bakersfield community.

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Becoming a KCB Partner means a commitment from residents, businesses, and civic leaders to work together to identify local concerns and address those concerns. Thanks to the efforts of KCB, its sponsors, and a growing network of affiliates, residents are action to engage, energize, and educate others to care for their communities.

How to become a KCB affiliate

Becoming a KCB Partner means a commitment from residents, businesses, and civic leaders to work together to identify local concerns and address those concerns. Thanks to the efforts of KCB, its sponsors, and a growing network of affiliates, residents are action to engage, energize, and educate others to care for their communities.


Go to clean CA and start the process.


A benefit to being a a Clean California Community. Once that’s completed you become a KCB affiliate

California military bases

Each year, on or around America Recycles Day (ARD), Keep America Beautiful (KAB) honors a U.S. military installation and an active or retired military personnel that demonstrates the tremendous potential of the U.S. military to improve recycling across the country. Successful nominees inspire other military installations with waste reduction and recycling programs to maximize diversion, exemplify collaboration, ensure sustainability, and demonstrate consistency with national policy and programs.

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